Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Running a Household Is Like Running a Company

Yes, in terms of economy, running a household is like running a company. As a matter of fact, a household is an essential element in microeconomics. A households provides human resources to capitalists, who later on produce goods and services, which later on are consumed by households. But I'm not going to discuss the role of households in microeconomics. Here, I would like to discuss similarities between running a household and a company.

In a company, financial planning is indispensable for a better future, and so is in a household. A household needs to plan for future income to cover future costs and future needs. Failure to make a sound plan for making a better income will result in financial bankruptcy, and nobody likes this kind of disaster.

Just like in a company, a household must needs keep a sound accounting. It is important that a household keeps track of where the money comes from and where the money goes. This financial record is very helpful in a sense that it provides information on how secure a household is in terms of finance. Accounting will inform us whether the household we are running is accumulating wealth or suffering a financial loss.

In a company, human resources management is essential. In a household, it is strongly advisable that everyone in the household be aware of the vision that their leader is pursuing for the sake of ultimate success of the household. The leader of the household must have a sound leadership skill to deal with the members of the household to fulfill their shared interests. Failure to apply this principle will result in confusion and dissatisfaction among the household members and will bring about a severe disruption to the household's work. The leader of the household is responsible for bringing out the best in every member and patiently nurturing them so as to be able to achieve their success together.

In conclusion, the success factors that apply in a company such as financial planning, sound accounting, and human resources management are also applicable in a household.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Globish English

These days, there is a phenomenon on the use of English namely Globish English. It is first codified by Jean-Paul Nerrierea, a retired vice-president of IBM in the United States. According to Globish English, English has become a lingua franca, which is widely used by non-native speakers in the world and thus it questions the ownership of English and claims that it has become a property shared by countries all around the world. Since many people from business fields use English as their major tool to get their message across, Globish English stresses the importance of communicative approach on the use of English. That means you use simple and common words instead of sophisticated ones, simple syntax instead of complicated one, simple expressions instead of idiomatic, literal words instead of figurative, and keep your sentence short.
Based on this basis, you don't say:"I can say in all conscience that my father never lays a finger on my mother," but you say:"I'm pretty sure my father never hurts my mother, physically." You don't say:"If they hate my guts, they can sack me for all I care," but you say:"If they hate me, they can fire me and I don't care at all." You don't say:"I drove my car for all it was worth," but you say:"I drove my car as fast as I can." You don't say:"I have no recollection of chancing upon him somewhere," but you say:"I don't remember I once met him somewhere." You don't say:"If I were in his shoes, I would refrain myself from unraveling all I know about the case," but you say:"If I were in his situation, I would not talk too much."

Personally, I don't take a dim view of this phenomenon, oops...It's fine with me. It's all right to embrace, oops...(I'm trying to get used to it) to welcome this idea. So, for English learners it's encouraging because you don't have to trouble yourself learning sophisticated vocabularies or idiomatic expressions, or complicated complex sentences. Simple words and simple expressions will do. For English teachers, forget about impressing your students with sophisticated vocabs and long complex sentences. Simple words and simple expressions will do. So, it's easy for everyone, for learners and for teachers, if communication and being understood are their primary concerns.

In conclusion, KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly). As I have said earlier in my status, a genius takes a complex thing and makes it look simple and easy to understand, while an academic does the opposite.
What is your opinion of this Globish English thing? You are at liberty to say anything :)
If you want to know more about this issue, just Google "Globish English".

Unveiled Glory

Breathe the night air and let the dust in you go up in flame
Touch the wood and the joy of spring sets thee free
Kiss the sky and spread your wings
Take a fly and perch on a scarecrow
Nothing to fear now
As the tears turn to dust
As the soul returns to the ethereal
And let thy glory be unveiled...

Judge Me As You Like

So you think I'm useless and I'm just a little fish in a big pond? Well, who do you think you are? A big fish in a big pond? I don't care what you think I am. If you think you're a big fish, I would love to fry you and eat you. I love to eat fish.

So you think I'm a stick-in-the-mud? Well, you have no idea what I'm going through. To say that I'm a stick-in-the-mud is oversimplifying the circumstances which I'm called upon to encounter. Everyone's life is unique and complicated if you consider what happens on the inside of the individual and what happens on the outside. Now, let me sit back and enjoy my evening with a cup of tea and let me make some scribbles on the insignificance.

So you think I have no vision? The stars above are twinkling and somehow they call up a sweet memory of my being a twinkle in my father's eye. Was I supposed to anticipate being brought into the world then? I don't know. I don't remember. And now, you tell me how far I can go? Can you go that far? As far as the stars reside up there? Do they even exist? Are we really looking at things just where they are? Are they only reflections in our brain? You tell me. Are you saying I'm responsible for a catch of a bright star and shows it off among the desperate? Oh great, now you're telling me I should catch it for my own sake? For my own sake, please you disappear along with the dust which irritates my eyes. I'm quite content to sit here with my mind wandering over the unreachable.